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Help Me Return to Radio

Hello, and thanks for checking out my page and reading my blog. I'm Mike Friday, a radio veteran who started in the business in the late '80's, but I have really been "doing" radio all my life.

I grew up in Nassau County on Long Island. Living in a major suburb of the nation's largest broadcast market, I was surrounded by radio from a very early age. In fact, largely because I was so enamored with then-radio juggernaut "77-WABC", I grew up wanting to be "the man in the box" who shared stories like Harry Harrison, offered friendly encouragement like Ron Lundy, and got away with some very creatively veiled bawdiness like Dan Ingram. ble at the So, I attended college at Ingram's alma mater, Hofstra University, and worked in just about every job imaginable at the school's top-flight radio station, WVHC (now WRHU, Radio Hofstra University). After leaving college in 1987, I began my career as a professional broadcaster. I had arrived!

My radio odyssey took me to some awesome places throughout the northeast. I worked at stations in small markets like Hanover, New Hampshire; Claremont, New Hampshire; Webster, Massachusetts; Port Jervis, New York; Florida, New York; Newton, New Jersey; Jeffersonville, New York; and in larger suburban outlets located in Peekskill, New York and Medford/Babylon, New York. In hindsight was a great ride, and I learned a lot, met some really fabulous people, and, in general, had an awesome time. Unfortunately, at the time, I failed to realize what I had, and I left the business several times to pursue other interests and what appeared to be slightly larger paychecks.

These days, I am living in South Florida, enjoying the sunshine, and working as an elementary school educator. While helping to mold young minds is extraordinarily worthwhile, I cannot help being compelled to get back into the radio business in some way. So, I am looking for part-time opportunities in So-Flo. Whether as a board-op, air talent or program assistant, I have the experience and drive to do the job to the max!

I have done it all (and loved every minute of it): community, commercial, terrestrial, digital, internet. Either way, the best radio is always local radio, and I desire to be part of an outfit that serves its local constituency legitimately and unfailingly, with passion, purpose and professionalism, all the while having fun. That's because the one-to-many/one-on-one nature of well-done radio makes it an experience that cannot be emulated in any way by any other medium.

The journey back begins here, and I hope you will enjoy following my progress and helping me achieve my goal of returning to the field I love. Thanks!

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